Along the Road: A Podcast for PC(USA) Leaders
Be inspired, hear the stories of others, and practice the tools of faith and leadership through conversations that nourish, enrich, and aid in the formation of leaders in the church. Mid Council leaders will integrate foundational values with the practice of faith and ministry. Congregational leaders, particularly ruling elders and deacons, will experience practices to connect faith to everyday life. Nourish: Short episodes for ruling elders and deacons. Encounter: Longer episodes for church and mid council leaders.
Along the Road: A Podcast for PC(USA) Leaders
Encounter: The Transformational Imagination of Our Embodied Values
We often prioritize the importance of academic learning and knowledge and the hierarchy of the written word. Do these values align with the core value that "the unity of believers in Christ is reflected in the rich diversity of the church's membership [F-1.0403]" where different ways of knowing and embodied learning might also be valued?
Join Kate Trigger Duffert, Office of the General Assembly and Marissa Galvan Valle, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, a ruling elder and the pastor of Beechmont Presbyterian Church, Louisville, Kentucky as we explore the transformational imagination of our embodied values.
We can seek to create more equitable and inclusive systems and spaces that embrace multiple ways of knowing and learning and foster a sense of belonging highlighted in the Foundations of Presbyterian Polity, F-1.04.
We would love to have your insights and reflections about how embodied knowledge may or may not be utilized in your context.
A short survey can be found here: https://forms.office.com/r/gDUiLx8WMr
Thank you for taking time to respond after listening to this podcast. Have a great day!