Along the Road: A Podcast for PC(USA) Leaders
Be inspired, hear the stories of others, and practice the tools of faith and leadership through conversations that nourish, enrich, and aid in the formation of leaders in the church. Mid Council leaders will integrate foundational values with the practice of faith and ministry. Congregational leaders, particularly ruling elders and deacons, will experience practices to connect faith to everyday life. Nourish: Short episodes for ruling elders and deacons. Encounter: Longer episodes for church and mid council leaders.
Along the Road: A Podcast for PC(USA) Leaders
Encounter: The Presbytery | Ministry of Nurture and Care
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) places great emphasis on the importance of nurture and care in the ministry of presbyteries. In fact, the Book of Order (G-3.0307) speaks of the presbytery's role as Pastor, Counselor, and Advisor to Its Ministers of the Word and Sacrament and Congregations (as well as commissioned ruling elders and certified Christian educators) in terms of the presbytery's call to serve faithfully in the life and ministry of the presbytery and its congregations. Join guest Manuel Silva-Esterrich as he helps presbyteries discern their hope for ministry of care
Manuel Silva-Esterrich would welcome your questions and conversations.